Create Better Health and Harmony Naturally!

Empowering women to balance their hormones, reduce stress and enhance their well-being.

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Hi, I'm Eva Torner!

Welcome to Natural Harmonie.

Imagine being healthy and happy and living each day full of vibrant energy. 

Imagine waking up every morning glowing with good health and overall well-being.

Imagine looking in the mirror smiling and looking forward to the day ahead.

Does this sound like a dream come true? 

Well, that’s just one of the wonderful things that can happen when you regain your hormonal balance, learn to control your stress and achieve more balance and harmony in your life.

By improving your health in all aspects – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – you will find that all areas of your life will improve.  In a reasonably short space of time, you will find that you have created an amazing new life and may hardly recognise yourself.

That’s what Natural Harmonie is all about. I created this website to provide you with information, products and services so you can learn how to achieve this for yourself.

Eva Torner

How I Can Help You!

The Holistic Approach To Your Better Health

Healthy Body

Creating a healthy body is a good place to start. The overall health of your body can affect every aspect of your life. There are many different areas in your life that could be contributing to the stresses on your physical body and lead to your hormonal imbalances. These can include your lifestyle, environment, and other areas in your life that you may not be aware of.

Healthy Mind

Your mental and emotional health play a significant role in your overall health and wellness. Your thoughts and emotions effect every aspect of your life and have a direct relationship on the health of your body and your emotional and mental well-being. Therefore, learning how to change and heal your thoughts, emotions and beliefs can have a direct impact on your physical and hormonal health and contribute to your total health and well-being.

Healthy Spirit

Having spiritual health is a key component of your overall health and well-being. When your spiritual health is unwell, it can create problems for you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You are more than just a physical body and the mind that controls your thoughts and emotions. You are also a spiritual being and it’s important that you look after your spiritual health for your holistic well-being.
From Hormone Hell to Hormone Heaven Book

What Every Woman Needs to Know to
Balance Her Hormones Naturally!

In my book, “From Hormone Hell to Hormone Heaven”, a practical guide for women to restore health and harmony naturally, I provide easy to follow steps, using natural and holistic methods to help women get their hormones back in balance.

I share my personal story and  describe the lessons that I learned and steps I implemented when I was facing serious hormonal imbalance health issues and stress-related burn-out to regain my hormonal health and overall well-being.

This book will guide you on your own path towards creating your own Hormone Heaven!


Contact me to book an appointment today.

Health and Wellbeing Articles

Keep Up-To-Date With The Latest Info ...

Some causes of Estrogen Dominance?

There are many possible causes of Estrogen Dominance. They can include a combination of external and environmental factors as well as causes that are internal ...

How Hormonal Imbalances can affect your health?

A hormonal imbalance occurs when the balance of individual hormones, is disturbed. One of the most common imbalances is associated with excess estrogen in relation ...

Do you have a Hormonal Imbalance?

Over 75 percent of women maybe suffering from hormonal imbalance symptoms? Are you one of them?

What People Say About

"From Hormone Hell to Hormone Heaven"

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