Bio-Resonance Scans & Consultations Pricing
Discover the Transformative Benefits of Bio-Resonance Therapy!
Bio-Resonance Scans & Consultations
Would you like to experience the benefits of Bio-Resonance scans for yourself and discover what your body is trying to tell you?
Would you like to be empowered with the knowledge required to improve your health and wellbeing?
I am excited to offer a range of services designed to support your health and wellbeing. Our comprehensive packages include various scans, which provide valuable insights into your body's needs.

Pricing and Information
Full EZ Scan plus one-to-one Zoom consultation - 60 minutes $175
Includes an EZ Scan, personal sound healing harmonics to listen to at home, and personal homeopathics to imprint into your water. The scans also include optimizations at the same time. Additionally, we review the reports to discover what is happening in your body. We go through your comprehensive results together to identify problem areas and provide suggestions on how to take care of your health and wellbeing. Also, a muscle-tested frequency playlist will be sent to you through distant healing. You also have the option to receive a special remedy tincture of homeopathics for an additional $25 plus postage.
One-to-One Demonstration of the AO Scan Technology - prior to purchase $95
Includes an EZ Scan, personal sound healing harmonics to listen to at home, and personal homeopathics to imprint into your water.
Alpha Pass $95
A 3-day access pass to the AO Scan mobile technology to perform unlimited scans on your own device. Plus, a quick demonstration to get you started. A great way to test drive and experience this technology for yourself.
Hormone Balance Testing and Consultation $195
Includes: 3 consecutive days of scans and optimizations, 3 times a day so the AO Scan Technology can get a baseline of your hormones and we can review the patterns of your hormone results. It also includes a Zoom consultation after the scans to review the results.
Food Allergy/Sensitivity testing $195
Includes: 4 x Weekly Scans, then a Zoom consultation to review your scans and look for trends and patterns to see what foods you have an intolerance to where you may have some food sensitivities.
Inner Voice Scan - For emotional balance $65
Includes: Inner Voice Scan, detailed report, including vitals report and personalized balancing harmonics as MP3 files emailed to you so you can listen to the harmonics at your convenience.
EZ Scan - Inner Voice, Vitals & Comprehensive scans and optimizations are included $85
Full EZ Scan and optimization. it also includes all Inner Voice personalized sound harmonics, Vitals scan reports that are similar to blood, organs and systems of the body chemistry tests and Comprehensive scan reports with images similar to MRI, CT-Scan or X-Ray, all-in-one.
Vitals Scan $75
Includes a Scan and Optimization of the energetic state of your blood biology. The scan compares your body's frequencies to a blueprint frequency database, after which optimizing frequencies are sent to the areas identified as "out of range" to guide the body back to homeostatis. A report is instantly generated showing the before/after and includes categories such as food sensitivities, hormones, mould, pathogens, allergens, chakras, meridians and much more.
Comprehensive Scan $75
This program provides a comprehensive look at how the imbalances in the Inner-Voice and Vitals Scans may be affecting the body's anatomy. It also includes multiple options for custom scanning and optimizing areas of interest or need. Detailed reports are generated identifying ranges before and after optimization.
Body Systems Scan $75
The Body Systems Scan performs a complete and thorough scan of hundreds of blueprint frequencies associated with 14 body systems and performs an optimizing analysis. This scan complements the results provided in the Vitals and Comprehensive Scans to specifically highlight body systems that need support. This scan generates a 27-page data report that includes a specific analysis of each body system.
Pet Scans $75
Solex has compiled a database of unique Blueprint Frequencies that allows you to compare your pet’s frequencies to the Blueprint Frequencies in the scanner. The Pet Scan uses these frequencies to provide information on your pet's vitals and chakras, optimises these and provides balancing harmonics. With this information it provides you with valuable information to be able to get your pet the help they may need.
S.E.F.I. Frequency - once only $25
A playlist of SEFI frequencies will be broadcast to you for a specified time for a one time only service.
S.E.F.I. Frequency - 5 times per week $100
A playlist of customised SEFI frequencies will be broadcast to you for a specified time for a specified time for 5 days in a row. These can be the same frequency or different ones.
Special Programs
Emotional Balance - 4-week program of Inner Voice Scans $195
4 x Emotional Balance/Inner Voice Scans. It includes 1 scan per week, with fresh mp3 files of personalized harmonics and pulses emailed to you weekly for you to listen to 2-3 times a day. Valued at $260.00.
Monthly Program - 4-weeks of Weekly EZ Scans $395
4 x EZ Scans, 1 per week, plus 2 x Zoom consultations. The first consultation is at the beginning of the program and includes your first scan and the second consultation is at the end of the 4-week program to review the results. Also included is a spreadsheet to keep track of the scans and patterns for easy review. All consultations are via Zoom. Valued at $520.00.
Hormone Harmony Bio-Resonance Wellbeing Program $495
This program is uniquely designed to help women to balance their hormones, using Bio-resonance Therapy and the AO Scanner. The program includes: 4 x EZ Scans (1 per week), 12 x Hormone Scans, 2 x Consultations, Customized Homeopathic Remedies weekly, SEFI dots and SEFI Frequency Playlists all customized to your body's unique requirements. Plus Special Bonuses. Valued at $750.00.