New Client Form Get Started Here! Please complete this form prior to your first appointment. Date: Name: Phone (M): Phone (H): Phone (W): Address: Email: Date of Birth: Subscribe to Newsletter: Yes No Occupation: Next of kin - contact details (name and phone number): Marital status (please select): Single Married Defacto Children (how many, age): Place in family: Are you currently seeing any other health care professionals? Eg Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Naturopath, Kinesiologist, NLP Practitioner, Reiki Master. If yes, please state which one (s): Past trauma/accidents/surgery/childhood or other illness (approx age or dates): Current medications: Current supplements: Daily intake of sugar, coffee, tea, alcohol and water: In an average day what would you normally eat for Breakfast? In an average day what would you normally eat for Lunch? In an average day what would you normally eat for Dinner? In an average day what would you normally eat for Snacks? Exercise: eg. what do you do? How many times per week? etc: What hobbies and/or activities do you enjoy? Other self development? (NLP, Kinesiology etc). If yes, what have you found to be the most effective and why? What are your presenting issues/reason for coming today: What would you like to get out of working with Eva? Is there anything else not mentioned on this form you’d like to tell me about? How did you hear about Eva? Eg. personal recommendation, Internet, social media, other: Submit 71421